Saturday, November 12, 2011

That Others May Live

VEE: The elite men of the United States Air Force Pararescue aka PJs or Pararescue Jumpers undergo very intense training to prepare them to rescue others in hostile environments, on land or sea, in combat or the worse weather possible. They are trained to save someone's life even if it means giving up their own and thus their motto "that others may live." Their creed adds more to it and is as follows "It is my duty as a Pararescueman to save life and to aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and comforts. These things I do, that others may live." There is a program on youtube that would give an idea of their training, here is part one if anyone is interested:

Isnt that our job as Catholics too? Shouldnt that be our main focus? Sacrificing ourselves so that other may live spiritually. Isnt that the calling the "vocation" of each and every one of us? Sacrificing ourselves in prayer, in penance, offering everything up to save souls. This involves going beyond our personal comforts and desires and being pushed harder and farther then we ever thought possible by God. Sufferings will come that we didnt ask for but God puts them there to toughen us up, to train us, to make us grow. This may be simply getting up, going to work and living as a good Catholic right where you are.

DS: As for the video series about this extraordinary group of military men... nothing can really compare to the grueling feats the soldiers go through in order to achieve membership in their elite club. But, in a sense, it is very much like what I faced in the convent. The convent was "spiritual boot camp." Our discipline was accomplished through strict obedience and relying completely on our fellow Sisters. Catholics throughout the world are known as the "Church Militant," because we are "God's soldiers," doing battle against satan and his minions, fighting temptations and sins, while depending on fellow Catholics to support us in the battle. Living our lives in complete obedience to the Almighty God and the teachings of Holy Mother Church takes the same level of discipline as shown by these men...and we can not give up the "good fight," we must "finish the race" so that others may live, so that others may come to know the TRUTH, the WAY and the LIFE!

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