Monday, February 11, 2013

A day we will never forget

DS:   Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  On this day in 1858, our beautiful Mother appeared to a peasant girl in Lourdes, France.  She appeared eight years after the Church proclaimed her "the Immaculate Conception..." a title she herself used at the apparitions.  Just another beautiful sign that heaven and the Church are united...

Our Lady directed St. Bernadette to scratch the ground; when she did so, a tiny stream appeared.  When many of the sick touched the water from this stream, drank it, or washed themselves in it, they were cured instantly.  Ever since that time, Lourdes has been the destination of the sick.  Today, millions travel to the place where the little grotto with its stream still flows...and many miracles still occur at this holy place.

I remember watching "The Song of Bernadette" in my youth and falling in love with the story and the little heroine, St. Bernadette.  I aspired to be like her in every way, pious and obedient, witty and not afraid of her detractors and those who persecuted her.  (I have fallen way short.)  St. Bernadette was extremely influential to me in my formative teen age years.  To this day, if I hear any of the music I used to listen to while reading books on the apparitions or on her life, it takes me totally back to those moments of discovering and getting to know this little saint of Our Lady's.

Today also marks an anniversary of a moment in my life I will never forget...

7 years ago on this mother woke up from her coma.  She had been deathly ill and in a coma for a month and a  half.  Can you imagine your loved one asleep for such a long time?  I stayed by her side the whole time, never leaving, only to Mass or the bathroom.  Well, it was getting to the point where I felt like I was on the precipice of despair.  And one night, Feb. 10th, I whispered a prayer in the rare stillness of my mother's ICU room.  I asked Our Lady of Lourdes to whisper in her Son's ear, to intercede for me to "Please take her if you want her, or please give her back to us, don't leave her in this state of absolute nothingness..."  I begged God and begged Our Lady to intercede.  I fell asleep beside mom's bed while sitting on the chair.  I was used to sleeping this way, as I had been here for as long as she had been in this coma.  

The next morning, I awoke in the grey darkness of the room, the sun still slumbered.  A light from the nursing station just outside my mom's room shone through the glass doors.  I had to remind myself where I was..."oh...I'm in the hospital..." and I felt that disgusting bile in my stomach, that worry and that terrible feeling in the pit of my very being...

I looked over at my mother as I always did every morning after I woke up...I noticed some movement...I got out of my chair and peered closer to her face...her silhouette gave her away...HER EYES WERE OPEN!!! She was looking about the room...!!!

"MOM" I screamed so loud that I'm sure the whole ICU heard me.  I went over to the front of her and looked at her square in her face...her beautiful face looked back at me.  She couldn't speak because she had a tube breathing for her,  but her face said it all.  She had nothing but questions.  I told her where she was and that she was very sick, but she woke up and so things will be better!! I gave her hugs that will last me a lifetime!  Then I rushed to break the  news to the medical staff...

I am still so very grateful to the Almighty God for the miracle He wrought through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes...

That brings me to today...

This early a.m., the phone interrupted my slumber.  My sister was calling me with the news that our beloved Pope Benedict was resigning... this news terrified me but I've had the whole day to think about it and mourn our loss.  Prayers for the Church and for the election of our next Pope. People will speculate and wonder but I believe the next few days will bring more light to the matter.  If it doesn't, it is just as well.  Canon Law allows this, and that's all I need to know.  Godspeed to our dear Pope.  He cites illness and weakening.  He wants to spend the rest of his days in prayer.  I joked around and said, "He's gone all Carmelite on us!" 

It  hurts, and I cried.  But I feel this is what the Holy Spirit wants for Papa Benny and for the Church... 

February 11th will always be a day to remember...

VEEI love Papa Benny.  I was incredibly blessed several years ago to travel to Rome and attend one of his Masses and his Wednesday Angelus.  I will never forget being in the presence of this holy man.  St Peter's square is large  but when the pope comes out you can feel the Holy Spirit and distance doesn't matter.

One does not discern a vocation to the papacy.  One doesn't enter the priesthood saying they intend to make it to bishop then cardinal then pope.  One is elected, and Pope Benedict carried out what was asked of him by God for love of God for many years, even prior to being pope.  I've heard that in 1991, 1996, and 2001 he had asked to retire.  Perhaps now God has granted him his heart's desire after being a good and faithful servant for many years.  He did his duty to his fullest.  Enjoy your more cloistered time papa as you begin your most important work!

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