Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Feast of St Teresa of Avila

VEE:  When I first heard about her I was like "who cares about some dusty old Spanish nun??"  Boy did she ever get me back for that <_<  I think I've watched her miniseries 10 times now.  The first time was on youtube, four episodes of it all in Spanish until I couldn't take it anymore and bought the DVDs so I'd know what the heck was going on!

The funny thing is that even when I didn't know her, she knew me and God sent her to help me.  We don't choose the saints in our life, they choose us or are appointed by God.  God knew I needed her and so with her daughter Therese they found me.  I was alone, scared, lost without God, and in basic total despair.  They led me to God , they led me home both physically and spiritually and taught me much, or at least tried to.  She is my spiritual mother and I love her very much.

An excellent post on her 

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