Today marks the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. She was the most successful evangelizer of the Mexican continent, bringing millions to Jesus in a little less than ten years (much more successful than any of the spanish missionaries put together at that time, lol.)

This image, which was left on the tilma of St. Juan Diego, still resides in the Basilica in Mexico City, baffling scientists as to how the image was placed and how it has been able to remain hundreds of years later...
Here is a video in honor of Our Lady, in the language of St. Juan Diego, Nahautl:
I love her words to St. Diego, "Do not worry, am I not your mother?" She is our mother, because she is the mother of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. She is our mother because He deemed it so. He gave her to us from the cross as he suffered and died for our sins. He made sure that one of his last acts before he died was to hand his mom over to be mother of all mankind. It is by His hands that we can all call Our Lady, "Mom." It is by the Hands of Christ that she fulfills this role so perfectly in the divine plan of salvation.
Today also marks the last time we can see the same digits in the date stamp. I think this is a very special day to honor Our Lady, and if you couldn't wake up this morning to sing her Mananitas, or go to Mass and eat the delicious Mexican breakfast afterwards, there is still Mass throughout the day. I will be attending at 6 p.m. tonite. The Mass is for the repose of the soul of my very own, dear, earthly mother... very appropriate, don't you think? :)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us your children and bring us closer, so much more closer to Your Son, Jesus Christ!
Hoy todos somos Guadalupanos. Viva la Virgencita del Tepeyac!
ReplyDeleteI like her for this quote. Ds mentioned it in teh post but here it is in its entirety "Hear and let it penetrate into your heart, my dear little son: let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you: let nothing alter your heart or your countenance. Also do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else that you need?"