Monday, December 3, 2012

St Francis Xavier

VEE:  St Joseph of Cupertino wasnt the only so called "reluctant saint" as I would include Xavier in that group.  He didnt plan on being a missionary etc etc, he wanted to be a scholar.  But encountering Ignatius of Loyola changed that, kind of like John of the Cross meeting Teresa of Avila.  John didnt have an agenda to reform Carmel, if I recall correctly he was intending to go off and join the Carthusians!  Xavier failed at what he wanted to do with his life, even when he was out on his trips he failed at reaching China where he wanted to go.  The important thing is he went where God wanted him to go.  For more, read this article 

Francis Xavier had planned to devote himself to the intellectual life, but at a strategic moment he surrendered to God, who had long and patiently pursued him. That surrender changed the course of his life—and the course of history as well. Even Ignatius of Loyola, the leader of the new Jesuit community, had planned to deploy Francis as a scholar. But India beckoned, and Ignatius reluctantly sent Francis to preach the gospel there. Thus, the man who had planned on a leisurely intellectual life became a missionary apostle, perhaps second only to St. Paul.

 In his passion for spreading the gospel, in his simple obedience, in his humble disregard for himself, the saint was a near perfect imitation of Christ.

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